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NU Dalam Transformasi Masyarakat Banjar: Arah Pergerakan Islam Kultural dan Islam Non Kultural di Kalimantan Selatan

Sarmadi, H.A.Sukris (2016) NU Dalam Transformasi Masyarakat Banjar: Arah Pergerakan Islam Kultural dan Islam Non Kultural di Kalimantan Selatan. In: Transpormasi Sosial Dan Intelektual Orang Banjar Kontemporer.

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Sukris. NU Dalam Transformasi Masyarakat Banjar.pdf

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The influence of NU (Nahdatu al-Ulama) in the community of Banjar (South Kalimantan), historically rooted prominent scholar Sheikh Muhammad Arsyad al-Banjari. Thoughts Ulama this legendary line with NU. He rooted in society Banjar. This relates to the fact NU adaptive to local communities, allowing Banjar traditions can last long and happen acculturation outstanding. However, in line with the changing times, there have been changes that affect the religious social Banjar people now

Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item (Paper)
Subjects: L Education > L Education (General)
Depositing User: Users 62 not found.
Date Deposited: 22 Aug 2016 07:06
Last Modified: 22 Aug 2016 07:06
URI: http://idr.uin-antasari.ac.id/id/eprint/6323

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