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Students' Learning Styles in Learning English as a Foreign Language at MTsN 2 Gambut, South Kalimantan.

Dahlia, Dahlia (2017) Students' Learning Styles in Learning English as a Foreign Language at MTsN 2 Gambut, South Kalimantan. Skripsi, Tarbiyah dan Keguruan.

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11035 2017111035 Dahlia. 2017. Students’ Learning Styles in Learning English as a Foreign Language at MTsN 2 Gambut, South Kalimantan, Thesis. English Education Department, The Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers Training. Advisors: (I) Dra. Hj. Wardah Hayati, MA. (II) Rusnadi, S.Pd.I, M.Pd.I, MA. Keywords: Learning Styles, Strategies, English as a Foreign Language This thesis studied about students’ learning styles in learning English as a Foreign Language at MTsN 2 Gambut, South Kalimantan. The problem statements are: 1) What are the students’ learning styles in learning English as a Foreign Language at MTsN 2 Gambut, South Kalimantan? and 2) How are the students’ strategies in relation with their learning style in learning English as a Foreign Language at MTsN 2 Gambut, South Kalimantan? The Population of the research is the students’ at MTsN 2 Gambut on Class VII, VIII and IX. Which consist of 112 students, but the researcher took class VII/A of 17 students and class VIII/B of 20 students and class IX/C of 19 students. The total number of the samples are 56 students. The researcher using purposive sampling. To collect data, the researcher used some techniques such as questionnaire, observation, and interview. The data are collecting through: editing, scoring, tabulating and data interpretation. Then, all the data are analyzed by using qualitative approach. The result showed that the type visual learners are 34 students (60%), auditory learners are 13 students (23%) and kinesthetic learners are 9 students (16%). As a result, the visual learner are dominant than kinesthetic and auditory learner in MTsN 2 Gambut. Meanwhile, students strategies based on their learning style were visual learner often do not remember information given orally without being able to see it. They memorize using visual clues. Visual learners remember something better if they wrote down and visualize picture, word or number in their head. Visual learners use color coding to help them learning something. Auditory learners need to remember most easily if saying something repeatedly. Auditory learners were able to saying something without pay close attention to the person said to them. Kinesthetic learners learn best by moving their bodies, activating their large or small muscles as they learn.

Item Type: Skripsi
Subjects: L Education > L Education (General)
Depositing User: Dahlia Lia Lia
Date Deposited: 07 Mar 2017 07:16
Last Modified: 07 Mar 2017 07:16
URI: http://idr.uin-antasari.ac.id/id/eprint/7556

Available Versions of this Item

  • Students' Learning Styles in Learning English as a Foreign Language at MTsN 2 Gambut, South Kalimantan. (deposited 07 Mar 2017 07:16) [Currently Displayed]

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