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Upaya Pengawas Pendidikan Agama Islam Dalam Pembinaan Kompetensi Kepemimpinan Guru PAI Pada Sekolah Di Kota Banjarbaru

Firdaus, Muhammad Safitri (2017) Upaya Pengawas Pendidikan Agama Islam Dalam Pembinaan Kompetensi Kepemimpinan Guru PAI Pada Sekolah Di Kota Banjarbaru. Tesis, Pascasarjana.

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Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi atas keprihatinan terhadap sejumlah rangkaian permasalah, pertama: lunturnya budaya islami di tengah kehidupan masyarakat yang sudah menjalar di kalangan anak dan remaja, kedua: praktek pendidikan yang mengabaikan pembinaan aspek afektif dan konatif-volitif, yakni kemauan dan tekad untuk mengamalkan nilai-nilai ajaran agama, ketiga: pembinaan kompetensi kepemimpinan guru yang kurang mendapat sorotan dan perhatian khusus, dan keempat: kurangnya ketersedian tenaga pengawas agama di sekolah-sekolah umum. Berangkat dari pemahaman ini, maka penulis tertarik untuk mengadakan penelitian dengan fokus utama bagaimana Upaya Pengawas Pendidikan Agama Islam dalam Pembinaan Kompetensi Kepemimpinan Guru PAI pada Sekolah di Kota Banjarbaru. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif. Data diperoleh melalui wawancara, observasi dan studi dokumentasi, dengan menggunakan sumber data dari responden dan informan kunci. Analisis dilakukan selama pengumpulan data dan sesudah semua data terkumpul. Uji keabsahan data dilakukan dengan cara triangulasi sumber dan teknik, member check dan berdiskusi dengan dosen pembimbing. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: Upaya pembinaan kompetensi kepemimpinan Guru PAI di Kota Banjarbaru sudah dilakukan pengawas melalui kegiatan-kegiatan pembinaan guru seperti supervisi akademik, pertemuan dengan guru dalam kegiatan KKG atau MGMP PAI di tingkat kecamatan dan kota, dan pembekalan guru yang diselenggarakan pihak Kemenag, meskipun sebagian pengawas dan guru masih ada yang belum mengetahui tentang kompetensi kepemimpinan Guru PAI. Selama ini juga belum pernah dilaksanakan pelatihan, diklat, atau workshop khusus yang berorientasi pada pembinaan kompetensi kepemimpinan Guru PAI. Pengawas dalam melakukan upaya pembinaan kompetensi kepemimpinan Guru PAI mempergunakan beberapa metode dan teknik supervisi. Metode yang digunakan pengawas tersebut adalah: silaturrahmi, keteladanan, diskusi, supervisi, dan koordinasi. Adapun teknik-teknik yang digunakan pengawas seperti: kunjungan sekolah, kunjungan kelas, pengamatan kelas, guru, dan murid, observasi dokumen, wawancara, diskusi, insidental tes, unjuk aksi (action show), rapat kordinasi, dan konsultasi guru. Agar kegiatan supervisi yang dilaksanakan pengawas berjalan dengan baik dan lancar, pengawas juga mengambil beberapa pendekatan. Pendekatan yang diambil oleh pengawas berselang-seling diantara pendekatan direktif, non direktif, dan kolaboratif. Selain memakai pendekatan itu pengawas juga berpegang pada prinsip demokratis, kooperatif, konstruktif dan kreatif. ABSTRACT Firdaus, Muhammad Safitri. Efforts of Islamic Religious Education Supervisors in the Development of Islamic Education Teachers Leadership Competence in Schools in Banjarbaru City. Thesis under guidance: I. Prof. Dr. H. Syaifuddin Sabda, M.Ag, and II. Dr. Hj. Salamah, M. Pd, Islamic Education Program, Supervision of Education Concentration, Post Graduate, for State of Islamic University Antasari Banjarmasin 2017. Key Words: Efforts of Supervisors, Coaching, Leadership Competencies, Islamic Education Teachers This research is motivated by concerns about a number of issues, firstly: the decline of Islamic culture in the midst of the life of the society that has spread among children and adolescents, secondly: the practice of education that ignores the guiding of affective and volative-konatif aspects, specifically willingness and determination to practice the values of religious teachings, third: the development of teacher-less leadership competencies and special attention, and fourth: the lack of availability of religious supervisors in public schools. Departing from this understanding, the authors are interested to conduct research with a main focus on how the Efforts of Supervisors of Islamic Religious Education in the Development of Islamic Education Teacher Leadership Competence in Schools in the City of Banjarbaru. This research use desciptive qualitative approach. Data were obtained through interviews, documentation studies and observation, using data sources from respondents and key informants. The analysis is done during the data collection and after all the data is collected. The test of data validity is done by triangulation of sources and techniques, member check and discuss with the supervisor. The result of the research shows that: The effort of guiding the leadership competence of PAI Teachers in Banjarbaru City has been conducted by supervisor through teacher development activities such as academic supervision, meeting with teachers in KKG or MGMP PAI activity at sub-district and city level, and teacher training held by Ministry of Religion, although some supervisors and teachers are still unaware of leadership competence of PAI Teachers. There has also been no training, diklat, or special workshops that are oriented to the development of leadership competence of PAI Teachers. Supervisors in conducting leadership competencies The PAI teachers uses several methods and supervision techniques. The methods used by the supervisor are: silaturrahmi, exemplary, discussion, supervision, and coordination. The techniques used by supervisors such as: school visits, class visits, classroom observations, teachers, and students, document observation, interviews, discussions, incidental tests, action shows, coordination meetings, and teacher consultations. In order for supervisory activities conducted by supervisors to run well and smoothly, the supervisor also took several approaches. Approaches taken by supervisors alternate between directive, non-directive, and collaborative approaches. In addition to using the approach, supervisors also adhere to the principles of democratic, cooperative, constructive and creative.

Item Type: Thesis (Masters)
Subjects: L Education > L Education (General)
Depositing User: Muhammad Safitri Firdaus
Date Deposited: 04 Sep 2017 03:52
Last Modified: 04 Sep 2017 03:52
URI: http://idr.uin-antasari.ac.id/id/eprint/8709

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