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The Effectiveness of Direct Correct Feedback in Improving Tenth Graders’ Descriptive Text Writing Ability at SMA Korpri Banjarmasin

Wargito, Tri Haryanto Ali (2018) The Effectiveness of Direct Correct Feedback in Improving Tenth Graders’ Descriptive Text Writing Ability at SMA Korpri Banjarmasin. Skripsi, Tarbiyah dan Keguruan.

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This study describes the effectiveness of direct corrective feedback which is one type of corrective feedback in improving writing ability in descriptive text at the tenth graders. The problem to be studied in this research is whether direct corrective feedback is effective to improve students’ writing ability on descriptive text and how the students respond toward the use of direct corrective feedback in descriptive text learning. The population in this study were all tenth graders at SMA Korpri Banjarmasin which are as many as 94 students. However, the researcher took from the X-3 class which is consist of 24 students as the sample. The researcher uses purposive sampling because the researcher found the problem in tenth grade and choose class X-3 because they had poor result in descriptive text learning. The objects of this research are the result of descriptive text writing learning of students before and after using direct corrective feedback technique. The data in this study were collected through tests, questionnaire, and interview. The data in this research is processed through 4 stages: editing, coding, assessment, and interpretation of data. All data were obtained then analyzed descriptive quantitatively. The results of this study indicated that the effectiveness of direct corrective feedback in improving writing ability in descriptive text is in the fair category (based on Gain Score 0.54). This means that the use of direct corrective feedback in improving writing ability in descriptive text is quite effective. This study also indicated that the students’ responses towards the use of direct corrective feedback is very good based on the percentage of questionnaire which is 92.13%. The results of interviews showed that they feel happy and very much helped with the use of direct corrective feedback which raises motivation in fixing errors in descriptive text writing.

Item Type: Skripsi
Subjects: L Education > L Education (General)
Depositing User: Haryanto Haryanto Haryanto
Date Deposited: 12 Feb 2018 05:56
Last Modified: 12 Feb 2018 05:56
URI: http://idr.uin-antasari.ac.id/id/eprint/9327

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