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Students’ Vocabulary Achievement through the Application of Numbered Head Together (NHT) at the Fourth Grade of SDIT (Integrated Islamic Full-Day School) Qurrata A’yun Kandangan Academic Year 2011/2012

Khaira, Alfanida (2012) Students’ Vocabulary Achievement through the Application of Numbered Head Together (NHT) at the Fourth Grade of SDIT (Integrated Islamic Full-Day School) Qurrata A’yun Kandangan Academic Year 2011/2012. Skripsi, Tarbiyah dan Keguruan.


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Alfanida Khaira, 2012. Students’ Vocabulary Achievement through the Application of Numbered Head Together (NHT) at the Fourth Grade of SDIT (Integrated Islamic Full-Day School) Qurrata A’yun Kandangan Academic Year 2011/2012.Thesis, English Department. Tarbiyah Faculty. Advisor: (1) Dra. Hj. Wardah Hayati, MA. (2) Raida Asfihana, M. Pd This research describes about the Students’ Vocabulary Achievement through the Application of Numbered Head Together (NHT) at the Fourth Grade of SDIT (Integrated Islamic Full-Day School) Qurrata A’yun in Kandangan Academic Year 2011/2012. The problems of the research are how does the teacher use the cooperative learning through the application of Numbered Head Together and how do the students’ achievement in their vocabulary mastery by using cooperative learning through the application of Numbered Head Together. The subject of this research is an English teacher and students of the fourth grade at SDIT Qurrata A’yun Kandangan. There are 27 students in total. The object of this research is an approach of teaching English by using cooperative learning type Numbered Head Together on students’ vocabulary achievement at the fourth grade of SDIT (Integrated Islamic Full-day School) Qurrata A’yun Kandangan Academic Year 2011/2012. Some techniques of data collecting that used in this research are test, observation, interview and documentary. Data processing in this research are descriptively qualitatively analysis and inductively drawing conclusion. The result of this research denoted the use of Numbered Head Together approach as teaching aids in teaching English vocabulary of the fourth grade students at SDIT Qurrata A’yun Kandangan. The teacher’s knowledge in using Numbered Head Together as aids can be said in good category, based on the planning and the preparing the material, time allocation, learning goal and students condition. Then, the teacher’s ability in using Numbered Head Together is very well, it can be seen that the students really felt interesting and enthusiastic in teaching- learning process, which includes discussing the answer together in group and responding to the teacher instruction. The fourth grade students’ achievement in vocabulary by using Numbered Head Together is reflected from the mean of students written test result, in the first test is 72,96,the second test is 82,96, and the third test is 90,14 . The mean result of students test from three times of the test concludes that the students’ achievement of vocabulary is increased with the use of Numbered Head Together by the teacher and it can be said that using Numbered Head Together is good for improving students’ vocabulary achievement.

Item Type: Skripsi
Subjects: L Education > L Education (General)
Depositing User: Users 62 not found.
Date Deposited: 02 Sep 2015 10:02
Last Modified: 02 Sep 2015 10:02
URI: http://idr.uin-antasari.ac.id/id/eprint/1723

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