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Teaching and Learning English through English 900 (Book One) At the Seventh Grade of MTs Raudhatusysyubban Sungai Lulut Academic Year 2012/2013

Yulina, Yulina (2013) Teaching and Learning English through English 900 (Book One) At the Seventh Grade of MTs Raudhatusysyubban Sungai Lulut Academic Year 2012/2013. Skripsi, Tarbiyah dan Keguruan.


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Yulina. 2013. Teaching and Learning English through English 900 (Book One) At the Seventh Grade of MTs Raudhatusysyubban Sungai Lulut Academic Year 2012/2013. Thesis. English Education Department, The Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers Training. Advisor: Dra. Hj. Nida Mufidah, M.Pd. Keywords: teaching, learning, English 900. This study describes teaching and learning English through English 900 (book one) at the seventh grade of MTs Raudhatusysyubban Sungai Lulut academic year 2012/2013. The statements of problems of this research are: 1). How does the teacher use English 900 (book one) in teaching and learning English, 2). How is the students’ speaking ability toward English 900 (book one). Based on the statements of problems above, this study is supposed to better understand the use of English 900 in teaching and learning English and the students’ speaking ability after learning English 900 especially English 900 book one. The subject of this research is 42 of 166 students of the seventh grade of MTs Raudhatusysyubban Sungai Lulut academic year 2012/2013. The objects of this research are the use of English 900 (book one) in teaching and learning English and the students’ speaking ability toward English 900 (book one). To collect the data, the writer uses some techniques such as classroom observation, test, and interview. All data are analyzed descriptively, qualitatively, quantitatively and concluded inductively. The result of this research shows that the teacher uses some of principles of Audio-Lingual method when teaching and learning English through English 900 (book one). Some techniques of Audio-Lingual method the teacher used are dialog memorization, repetition drill, chain drill, single-slot substitution drill, and multiple-slot substitution drill. The teacher also used Grammar Translation method. The students’ speaking ability toward English 900 (book one) is in fair category, it is based on the calculation mean of students’ score 67.43. It can be concludes, the use of English 900 in teaching and learning is based on principles of Audio-Lingual method. But in this study the teacher did not apply all the principles of Audio-Lingual method. Beside that the teacher also used other method when teaching English through English 900 (book one) such as Grammar Translation method.

Item Type: Skripsi
Subjects: L Education > L Education (General)
Depositing User: Users 62 not found.
Date Deposited: 01 Oct 2015 10:22
Last Modified: 01 Oct 2015 10:22
URI: http://idr.uin-antasari.ac.id/id/eprint/2077

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