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Djohan Effendi’s Method in Formulating the Essence of the Qur’an in His Book Pesan-pesan al-Qur’an Mencoba Mengerti Intisari Kitab Suci

Azizah, Noor (2014) Djohan Effendi’s Method in Formulating the Essence of the Qur’an in His Book Pesan-pesan al-Qur’an Mencoba Mengerti Intisari Kitab Suci. Skripsi, Ushuluddin dan Humaniora.

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Noor Azizah, 1101421157,Djohan Effendi’s Method in Formulating the Essence of the Qur’an in His Book Pesan-pesan al-Qur’an Mencoba Mengerti Intisari Kitab Suci Thesis, Tafsir Hadith Department, Faculty of Ushuluddin and Humanity. Supervisor: (1) Dr. Wardani. M.Ag.(2) M. Adriani Yulizar, M.A, Keyword: Method of Interpretation and Essence of the Qur’an This thesis is a study of Djohan Effendi’s Method in Formulating the Essence of the Qur’an in His Book “Pesan-pesan al-Qur’an Mencoba Mengerti Intisari Kitab Suci”. He is One of the Indonesian figures,who has written on Qur’nic Exegesis.We can provide a great magnet for readers. Appreciation of the writings that come with the new nuence for crisis at Indonesian state's into an appropriate target for the readers.The understanding of the Qur’an which is spoken by Djohan Effendi, which ended with the poetic verses of the Qur’an into a new touch on the meaning of the Qur’an which he grouped into five basic points in the Qur’an, until make the creation of the Qur’anicessense.The research questions are,1) What is his framework on clasifications the verses of the Qur’an? 2). What is the method in formulating the Essence of the Qur’an ? This research is a library research. The sources are divided into two parts, namely the primary sources and the secondary ones. The primary sources are taken from the his book“Pesan-pesan al-Qur’an mencoba mengerti Intisari Kitab Suci, while the secondary ones are taken from writings, research, information and other relevant sources. This research has arrived at conclution bellow, Firstly, thisbookis confirms, the Quran is notascientificdocument. The story of theprophetsis nonhistorical descriptions. The Qur’anis abook ofinstructionstodo, towork, anddeserving. Djohandevided classified the structure of the Qur’an into three parts, namely: opening, torso, andclosing. SurahAl-Fâtihaĥwhichis positionedas the openingserves as aprologue. While thethreelastsuraal-Ikhlâs, al-Falaq, Al-Nâs whichserves asan epilogue. One hundred and tenotherchaptersconstitutethe torsoof the Qur’an. Secondly, Djohanexplaining the essence of the Qur’an begining by mentioning the Name of Sura, the location of down, and mention sum “Ruku’” in the sura, the sum of verses, with kind of themes, and the ending of essence finishedwithprecious poem. Djohan alsocombines withinterpretationmodels; descrptive(tahlîlî) andthematic(mawḍû'î), andglobal (ijmalî). The approach (Thuruq) that he used is “Ra’y”, or individual interpretations. and the pattern (Ittijâh)used with social color. Healsomanaged to breakthe readerofacademiccomplexityandsubtletyof language.

Item Type: Skripsi
Subjects: B Philosophy. Psychology. Religion > B Philosophy (General)
Depositing User: Users 62 not found.
Date Deposited: 25 Jul 2016 03:33
Last Modified: 25 Jul 2016 03:33
URI: http://idr.uin-antasari.ac.id/id/eprint/4438

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