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YouTube as a Digital Source of Storytelling for Young Learners in Learning English

Wahyuni, Maulida (2023) YouTube as a Digital Source of Storytelling for Young Learners in Learning English. Skripsi, Tarbiyah dan Keguruan.

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This study aims to describe the five YouTube videos that can help children learn English and provide a better media to students in learning English by using digital storytelling through a video platform like YouTube. The study utilized qualitative document-based research, analyzing the content of five YouTube videos, and conducting content research to determine what students and teachers want to learn in certain topics. The data analysis steps include transcribing and organizing the complete research result, examining the data, coding the data, building a description of the data with a thorough depiction of the data for the five YouTube videos, and representing the descriptions of the videos. The five videos identified are "Counting Numbers TO 10 | Number Counting Story," "Sea Animals for Kids | Get Ready for an Underwater Adventure!," "Months of the Year | Learn 12 Months of the Year | Educational Videos for Kids," "Unit 13 My Home – Story 1: Welcome to My Home" by Alyssa Liang, and "Unit 27 Garden - Story 2: Yummy Vegetable Soup!" by Alyssa Liang. The study is significant both theoretically and practically for children, as it would improve English teacher's understanding of children's difficulties in learning English and be a source of information for future researchers who want to have further research on digital storytelling using YouTube video

Item Type: Skripsi
Subjects: L Education > L Education (General)
L Education > LB Theory and practice of education
P Language and Literature > PE English
Depositing User: FAHMI FAHMI FAHMI
Date Deposited: 30 May 2023 04:57
Last Modified: 30 May 2023 04:57
URI: http://idr.uin-antasari.ac.id/id/eprint/23094

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